How to gain Topical Authority

How to gain Topical Authority
Photo by Chris Lawton / Unsplash

Imagine being the first name that pops up when people need info on your topic—pretty cool, right?

We're going to explore how you can get there, with easy steps and clear examples.

Let’s make your website a go-to resource! Here's what we'll cover in this article:

  • Understand Your Audience: Define core topics that align with your business and audience interests.
  • Create Comprehensive Content: Cover your topics in-depth and optimize for E-A-T.
  • Build a Strong Backlink Profile: Focus on acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable sources.
  • Implement a Structured Internal Linking Strategy: Use topic clusters to organize your content logically.

What is Topical Authority?
Imagine planning a trip and finding a travel blog with the most detailed and handy tips about your destination—from hidden spots to the best cafes. You'd trust this blog as your go-to guide, right? That's topical authority in action! It’s about making your website the ultimate resource in your niche, where people come for trustworthy info and expert advice.

The SEO Boost
Topical authority is a big deal in SEO. It helps you rank higher and draw more visitors. With solid expertise, Google sees your site as reliable, bumping up its trust in your content. This means more folks clicking through to see what you have to say.

Identifying Your Core Topics

Mapping Out Your Path
Alright, let’s lay the groundwork. Core topics are like the main trails you'll blaze to become an authority. These should match your business and spark interest in your audience. Think of them as the big ideas you want to be known for.

If you run a skincare brand with natural products, your core topics might be “natural skincare,” “eco-friendly beauty,” and “herbal ingredients.” For a financial advisor, core topics could include “budgeting tips,” “investment strategies,” and “retirement planning.”

Once you’ve got your core topics and keywords, it’s time to sketch out a plan. Think of it as a roadmap for your content. Decide what type of content you’ll create (blogs, videos, infographics), the specific topics to cover, and when to publish them.

For example, if you want to build a sustainable fashion blog, your plan might include articles about eco-friendly fabrics, a video series on DIY fashion tips, and an infographic on the impact of fast fashion. This keeps your content diverse and engaging.

And I know you might wonder, “How do I decide on core topics?” Some ideas:

  • Look at your business goals
  • Understand what your audience cares about
  • Analyze competitors and get feedback from your customers to find the sweet spot.

Don't expect this to be easy, instead align everything with your business goals.
Start with 3-5 core topics. Focus on a few areas where you can really shine.

Creating Comprehensive Content

The core concept of "topical authority" is to be an expert that "digs" into the topic.

Go Deep, Not Wide. This means you must cover your topics in great detail to become a proper authority. Think of it as exploring every corner of a big, exciting cave. You need to leave no stone unturned.

If your core topic is "personal finance," don't just write an introductory article on budgeting. Create a thorough guide covering everything from saving tips to investment strategies to debt relief.

Make your content so comprehensive that people don’t need to look elsewhere.

Find out what’s missing in the content already out there. Look at what your competitors are doing and see where they fall short. That’s where you can step in and offer something better.

If you're writing about sustainable gardening, add videos demonstrating composting techniques, infographics about plant growth, or podcasts interviewing gardening experts. This variety caters to different learning styles.

Another example for the eCom gang: for the keyword “best running shoes,” don’t just list shoes. Provide a detailed guide comparing features, sharing user reviews, and offering buying tips. This ensures you’re answering all possible questions users might have.

How long should your content be? Long enough to cover the topic thoroughly. Quality is more important than quantity, but comprehensive guides usually perform better.

Now, how often should you update or create new content? It depends on your industry. For fast-changing topics, more frequent updates are needed. For evergreen topics, less frequent updates are okay. The key is to keep your content current and relevant.

Optimizing for E-A-T

E-A-T in SEO stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, which is key to gaining topical authority.


Highlight your qualifications, experience, and any relevant certifications. This builds trust with your audience. Include a brief author bio at the end of each article detailing your expertise in the topic.


Consistently provide high-quality, accurate content. Over time, this establishes you as an authority in your field. Write guest posts for reputable websites and collaborate with other experts. This broadens your reach and builds credibility.


Reference reputable sources to back up your claims. This shows you’ve done your homework. Link to studies, official reports, and expert opinions to support your content.

Clearly disclose any affiliations, sponsorships, or potential conflicts of interest. Transparency fosters trust.

Regularly update your content to ensure it remains accurate and relevant. Outdated or incorrect information can damage trust. If you write about technology, keep articles current with the latest advancements and reviews.

Also, focus on getting links from reputable, relevant websites.

Creating Linkable Assets
This is a pro-tip: develop content that others naturally want to link to, like in-depth guides, original research, or useful tools. For example, create an interactive tool, such as a calculator or quiz, that others will find valuable and link to.

Content Structure: better with Pillar Pages and "Topic" Clusters

Who would you follow if you were lost in a dangerous forest and couldn't find your way out? Someone with Google Maps or a local who knows the fastest way to escape danger?

That's what content and topical clusters do, they help you through content (and search engines through "maps") understand your content’s context, thus enhancing user experience by guiding the readers through the content logically.

Create pillar pages for your main topics and link them to cluster pages covering related subtopics. This helps organize your content and makes it easier for search engines to understand.

If you have a pillar page on "healthy eating," link it to cluster pages on "meal planning," "nutrition tips," and "healthy recipes." Use descriptive anchor text that clearly indicates what the linked page is about. This improves user experience and SEO.

Remember, it's all about creating valuable, in-depth content that resonates with your audience and stands out in your industry. Use the strategies we've covered, from defining your core topics and optimizing for E-A-T, to building a strong backlink profile and implementing a structured internal linking strategy.

Keep monitoring your progress and be ready to adapt your approach as needed. SEO and content marketing are dynamic fields, and staying flexible and informed will help you maintain and grow your topical authority over time.

Thanks for sticking with us through this guide. We hope you found it helpful and that you're now equipped with the knowledge and tools to take your website to the next level. Happy content creating, and here’s to your success in becoming an authority in your field!